Lorna Colquhoun

"I have always been fascinated by the sea and am lucky to look out every day to the west over the Clyde to the Islands of Arran, the Cumbraes and Bute, Kintyre in the distance and, (on a clear day) the Paps of Jura peeping out beyond. The landscape of our beautiful West Coast inspires me with its changes in character from season to season, minute to minute as the elements pass over and connect with the land and the water beneath.

I love the spontaneous nature of watercolour and find its delicacy and transparency perfect for capturing these fleeting touches of light and colour.

After graduating from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in 1992 in Illustration,  my journey has taken me and my family all over the world. Wherever I am I paint and, through my art, I find that I can orientate myself and feel at home."

The Jetty Gallery

The Jetty Gallery         www.thejettygallery.com